Eagle Scout project gives back to Central Texas veterans.

Boy Scouts of America Troop 462 should be proud of this young man! Alex, who has spent the last couple months working on his Eagle Scout project, came in before school this morning to present the outcome. He was able to collect 22 coats, 12 light jackets, 13 shirts, 9 scarves, 112 pair of socks, 3 hats, 13 thermal shirts, 3 pair of gloves, and 1 pair of thermal pants all new or gently used. Through his own advertising and acts of perseverance he met his goal and delivered it with a humble smile. Additional thanks to his parents and the community for assisting in such such generosity that will help so many of our community veterans.

Learn more about Alex and his Eagle Scout Project by viewing the news story done by KWTX Channel 10: 

KWTX Channel 10-Eagle Scout Project